They were lined up like soldiers, armed with shiny new artillery, the Coravin.
The line-up is impressive. I hover waiting patiently to try out this not so new wine gadget that I have been dying for. I was invited to a private wine tasting at my favorite place, “Amanti Vino”. Also in attendance is a representative from Coravin, and the wine on hand did not disappoint. My turn comes, I’m a little gun-shy with this new machine. I feel like I should have a lab coat on, as the gadget looks like a microscope. We will omit the moment I mighthave sprayed wine on someones very nice shirt. (See the lab coat, would have been handy!). What’s a party without a little wine spilling? That what I say! The Coravin is an impressive device. It is a needle that goes through the foil and cork, accessing the wine without breaking the seal of the cork. I leave with one in my possession.
My kid free hour was blissful. I’m running home to have dinner with some friends. My son has taken hospitality to new heights. When I open the door to greet my friends, he drops down and starts doing “tricks”. I compare this to old school break dancing, its creative. Although, I don’t think they are teaching this at the Montessori he attends. I don’t know whether to be amused or mad. I chuckle, and just call this his happy dance. At least his new moves don’t involve dropping his pants or hitting someone. I consider that a WIN, WIN for everyone.
I have two new victims, I must see what they think of this new gadget of mine. Basically the BEST part about this device is you can pour a glass, remove the Coravin and turn the bottle upside down because it re-seals it! Party trick!
This device works by inserting a needle through the cork (it will not work on synthetic corks), and allows you to extract however much wine you want, inserting argon gas in the bottle to stop any oxygen from affecting the wine. The cork reseals when you remove the device, allowing you to hold the bottle upside down. (like I said “party trick”). This is great for someone who doesn’t want to drink a bottle in one sitting, because the unused portion in the bottle can keep for years. You can also test any bottles in your wine cellar and see how they are progressing. I have read a few articles where they have tasted wine that was accessed 5-10 years prior and the taste is no different from the same bottle unopened. I think this is a great device for everyone, it allows you to slowly work through a bottle during the week or just taste a bottle on a whim. If you know you are going to finish the bottle, you don’t need the device, but all around I’m already in love!
I think this is the PERFECT fathers day gift. What guy doesn’t love a gadget? You can contact Amanti Vino to buy if your local and they can give you a tutorial, or come over and try mine out!